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PRISM Time Series - Known Issues

This page contains a list of known issues with the PRISM daily and monthly time series datasets.

For detailed information about PRISM dataset versions, please review our PRISM datasets document.

Known Issues

Issue Posted Variable(s) Date(s) Location(s) Issue Cause Status
1 12/08/21 ppt Dec 1951, Jan 1957 Area around Crested Butte, Colorado (-109.97, 38.87) Monthly precipitation values are about 50% low Erroneous QC omission of unusually high precipitation observed at Crested Butte Unresolved
2 03/25/22 ppt 04 May 2012 Extreme north-central Iowa (-94.1, 43.3) Local precipitation maximum should be ~90 mm, rather than ~300 mm Station data was reported on the wrong day and conflicted with radar returns Resolved
3 02/24/25 tdmean 1895-2020 CONUS Monthly tdmean grids were found to be systematically 0.5-1.0° too low Erroneous internal post-processing script Resolved